Here Are the 10 Commandments for Credit Cards

Having credit cards comes with responsibilities. USAFIS’s customer care service understands that moving to the United States means learning some new rules and a new way of life. Here are Q1OSKR7D42some things to keep in mind when using credit cards.

  1. Write down all your credit card information including the numbers, expiration dates, and contact information and keep it in a safe place.
  2. Make sure to check your bill as soon as you receive it to verify that all charges are legitimate and there are no errors.
  3. If you do find errors of any kind, contact the credit card company right away to ask about them. You may also need to write a letter explaining the situation.
  4. If you lose your credit cards or they are stolen, call the credit card company immediately so they can put a hold on the card and you won’t be charged for any unauthorized charges.
  5. If there are any receipts, papers, or bills that have a credit card number written on them, be sure to shred them before disposing of them.
  6. Do not give your credit card number to someone over the phone unless you know the person and company are honest.
  7. As soon as new credit cards arrive in the mail, sign them.
  8. Before throwing out expired or canceled cards, cut them up.
  9. Don’t keep all credit cards with you. Leave some at home in a secure place.
  10. Do comparison shopping when getting a new card by comparing terms, interest rates, and more.


USAFIS: An immigration service for those wanting to move to the U.S. to live, work, and study. Contact them today for more information on moving to America!